Business Licenses
Business License Process
Thank you for your interest in starting a business in Richton Park. It is recommended that you start the process of opening a business in the Village by speaking with Economic Staff. Please email or call at the contacting information at the bottom of this page for personalized assistance.
Opening any business for operation in the Village starts with application for a business license. You must have a business license, an occupancy certificate and any other required licenses or permits before your business will be authorized to open and serve customers. That said, applying for a business license is the best way to start the process.
For All Businesses (New and Renewing): Click Here for the Business License Application Form
The application may be completed entirely online. Please contact Economic Development staff with any questions about the form.
Business license fees are not paid until the license is ready to be issued. Fees range from as little as $50 for home-based businesses. You can find the business license fee schedule at the link to the upper right of this page. You will be contacted upon submittal of your business license application with an invoice.
For a newly proposed business that would sell or serve alcohol, then the business license application must also include additional information that are outlined in the form of supplemental questions. These questions also address the proposed new business's interest in any video gaming terminals. Upon submission of the completed Business License Application Form and the completed Supplemental Questions, the applicant will be contacted to appear before the Village Board at a public meeting to introduce their business concept and receive feedback on their proposed inclusion of alcohol sales and any video gaming.
For Only New Businesses Planning to Sell or Serve Alcohol: Click Here for the Business License Supplemental Questions
As noted above, the property owner must obtain an occupancy certificate for any new business before the business license can be issued. The first step in the occupancy certification process is the completion of an occupancy inspection. This inspection will result in a list of any existing code violations in the property that must be addressed before any business will be allowed to open. Hence, it is recommended that prospective tenants request that the landlord apply for the occupancy certificate prior to entering into a binding lease agreement so that both parties are fully aware of any outstanding violations on the property.
For All New Businesses: Click Here for the Occupancy Inspection Process Page
For food trucks, food trailers, food carts and any other form of mobile food vendor, please review the following operational guidance for mobile food vendors.
For Food Trucks and Food Carts: Click Here for Operational Guidance for Mobile Food Vendors
Additional New Business To-Do Items
Be sure to address the following items when you plan to open a new business in Richton Park:
- Open your water account
- Apply for a permit to post temporary signs and banners
- Apply for a permit for permanent signs
- Be sure to register your burglar alarm with the Police Department
- Register with the Illinois Department of Revenue (if needed)
Brandon Boys
Asst. Director of Community & Economic DevelopmentPhone: 708.753.8820