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Water & Sewer
Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The Village of Richton Park continually strives to improve the water treatment process and to protect our water resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your water. The Village has personnel certified by the I.E.P.A. as licensed potable water operators.
Water System Basic Information:
The water you drink is provided from three (3) pumping stations. These pumps supply water from 400 to 800 feet underground where is it treated with aeration, ion exchange softening, chlorine, and fluoride to provide quality drinking water.
The Production System currently utilizes ion exchange & aeration treatment facilities. Our total maximum daily pumping capacity is 3400 GPM (4.9 million gallons per day) and one (1) million gallons of storage. In 2010 we delivered a total of 390,693,000 gallons for a daily average of 1.07 million gallons per day. In 2017 we delivered 350,499,000 gallons which is an average of 960,000 gallons per day.
The village water system consists of three wells, each with its own treatment and elevated tank for water storage. Our three water treatment plants are located in Richton Hills subdivision with a capacity of 250,000 gallons of storage; in Lakewood subdivision with a capacity of 250,000 gallons of storage; and in the Lincoln Crossings subdivision which has a capacity of 500,000 gallons of storage.
The Water Distribution System consists of approximately 42 miles of pipe ranging from 6 inches to 16 inches in diameter. There are also. 650 fire hydrants, 600 water main-line valves, and approximately 3,500 water meters ranging in size from 3/4" to 3".
In 2010, we repaired nine (9) water main breaks; in 2015 the Village repaired 26 water main breaks; and.in 2017 we repaired 19 water main breaks. This is an expected increase from 2010 with an aging infrastructure. The Village is moving forward with a proactive approach in replacement of the aging infrastructure to reduce the amount of water supply interruption.
To view the consumer confidence report (CCR) both current and historical, click HERE

Sanitary Sewer System Basic Information:
The Village of Richton Park sends all wastewater to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation Sanitary District, where it is treated. Although we do not treat wastewater, we are responsible for one (1) lift station, 1124 manholes, and 42.02 miles of sewer lines. Below is a table reflecting the age of our current infrastructure.
0-25 | 9.08 |
26-50 | 10.39 |
> 51 | 22.54 |