About Occupancy Inspections

Occupancy Certificate Process Thank you again for your interest in opening your business in Richton Park. The Village of Richton Park requires an
occupancy inspection every time that a new owner or tenant occupies a commercial space. Occupancy inspections are intended to ensure that commercial spaces in Richton Park meet code requirements at the time that the property changes hands, either through lease or sale.
You or your landlord must obtain an occupancy certificate for your new space before you can get a business license and before you can open for business. Generally, the building owner, landlord, or management company will request the occupancy inspection from the village.
Doing Construction
If you need to do construction work to repair or improve your space, you must use licensed contractor(s), your contractor must get a building permit, and the work must pass inspection.
Common Requirements for an Occupancy Certificate
Among the requirements for an occupancy certificate, you may have to meet some of these requirements:
- Install and provision a Fire Monitoring and Alarm system
- Provide a roofing and HVAC certification that the roof, heating, and ventilation systems are working properly
- Meet current accessibility standards
- Ensure that emergency lighting is working properly and that exits are properly marked
Please note that the requirements for occupancy may vary depending upon the type of business or the type and condition of the property. If you would like additional information about how this process would apply to your situation, please call (708) 481-5086.