Form Center

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Business License Application

  1. VORP Black
  2. Business License Application

    Updated 03-2023

  3. Applicant Business Information
  4. Business Legal Status*
  5. Applicant Person Contact Information
  6. Business Location Address
  7. Mailing/Billing Address
  8. Business Identification
  9. Issued through the IRS
    Format:  _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  10. Required for all sales on business premises or via addresses in the Village
    Format:  _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

  11. Property Ownership Information

    (Vehicle ownership for Food Trucks)

  12. Business License Categories
  13. Select ONE General Business License Category:*
  14. Select ALL Add-On License Categories That Apply:*

    If none apply, select "None of the Above"

  15. Category-Specific Information Follows

    Only respond to the items below that correspond to your business license category selections above.

  16. -- Licensed By State of Illinois (Exempt)
  17. -- Laundromat
  18. -- Peddlers / Food Trucks
  19. -- Taxicabs
  20. -- Video Game Terminal Operator (VGT owner or lessor)
  21. -- General Commercial Establishment
  22. -- Gas Station
  23. -- Car Wash
  24. Type
  25. -- Video Gaming Terminal
  26. -- Vending/Merchandise Machine
  27. -- Amusement Machine
  28. Leave This Blank:

  29. This field is not part of the form submission.