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Community & Economic Development

About Community & Economic Development
Community & Economic Development provides guidance to property owners, developers, citizens and other units of government on planning and zoning issues. The Director staffs the Plan Commission and assists with comprehensive planning, strategic planning and plan review for new developments.
The Community & Economic Development Department consists of four distinct divisions working together to provide information, services, and education to our residents, business owners, developers, contractors, and others. The divisions include:
- Economic Development
- Planning & Zoning
- Building & Code
Goals and Responsibilities
The comprehensive goal of the department is to deliver exceptional customer service so that individuals are able to accomplish their goals in relation to department functions. The primary responsibilities of the department include:
- Economic Development
- Building permitting and inspections
- Business and contractors license administration
- Property maintenance / code enforcement administration
- Property occupancy (point of sale) inspections
- Zoning administration
Community & Economic Development Registration / Application / Violation Payments
Richton Park's CED allows you to pay for your desired registrations, applications, and violations online. For more information, please contact 708.481.8950.
Richton Park’s Crime Free Rental Housing Program gives rental property owners and managers a powerful tool to help reduce the chances of criminal activity in individual rented units.
The cornerstone of the program is a lease addendum that puts potential tenants on notice that they are liable for any criminal activity within their units and, if criminal activity does occur, the lease can be terminated and the eviction process initiated.
By establishing this successful program, the Village of Richton Park hopes to reduce police calls for service, build a more stable resident base, reduce exposure to civil liability, and improve the quality of life in residential neighborhoods.
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact Pete Saunders, Community and Economic Development Director, at (708)481-8950, x143, or at psaunders@richtonpark.org.
Crime Free Housing Ordinance
Crime Free Housing Lease Addendum
If you have any questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Bill Gleason, Chief Building Inspector, at (708)481-8950, x153, or at bgleason@richtonpark.org.
Foreclosure Notices and Final Confirmation Sale orders should be sent to:
- Village of Richton Park, Village Clerk
- 4455 Sauk Trail. Richton Park, IL 60471
Pete Saunders
Community & Economic Development DirectorPhone: 708.481.8950 ext 143
Brandon Boys
Asst. Director of Community & Economic DevelopmentPhone: 708.753.8820
Sharita Baker
Community Development Administrative AssistantPhone: 708.481.5086
Bill Gleason
Chief Building InspectorPhone: 708.481.8950
Tammy McMullan
PlannerPhone: 708.481.8950
Community & Economic Development
Physical Address
4455 Sauk Trail
Richton Park, IL 60471
Phone: (708) 481-5086