Senior Citizen Advisory Committee


Along with longer lives, we are witnessing important changes for senior citizens in areas such as health, living arrangements, and family relationships. As more of us retire we replace our job responsibilities with leisure time activities such as travel, education, volunteer service, and more.

At the same time there exists a need for community services to provide information and/or assistance to older persons in areas such as health care, transportation, housing, counseling, day care, companionship, recreation and financing. Fortunately, there are many programs and services offered in our community for older residents. 

The commission discusses issues and concerns and makes recommendations relative to older adults, including but not limited to: education, long term care, recreation, housing, transportation, nutrition, and volunteer programs. 

Mission Statement

The Senior Citizen Advisory Committee is established to promote and enhance the quality of life and citizen involvement for senior citizens in the Village of Richton Park.


  • Darnell Langston (Co-Chairman) 
  • Gloria Cox (Co-Chairman)
  • Bonnie Jones (Secretary) 
  • Jerry Deany
  • Henrietta Fountain
  • Pearl Harris
  • Earl Scheidt
  • Willetta Thomas
  • Barbara Owens
Senior Advisory Committee 2017


Third Thursday of the Month @ 9:30am at the Richton Park Community Center

For additional information or to become a member, please contact

Kenneth Jones @