Parks & Recreation Commission

Mission & Overview

The mission of the Richton Park Parks & Recreation is to provide quality space, recreational programming, and events that promote healthy, active, entertaining lifestyles to enhance the overall quality of life for not just our community, but influencing others to do so as well.

The Parks and Recreation Commission consist of five to seven members. The duties of the commission include:

  1. Work with the Parks & Recreation director by offering program ideas and assisting in the planning of new programs and special events, and ensure that the programs offered are diverse and safe. 

  2. Work with the Parks and Recreation director to formulate short and long term park development goals. 

  3. Provide guidance regarding the implementation of programs and special events. 

  4. Provide assistance with fund raising efforts. 

  5. Serve as an ambassador for Parks & Recreation in the Village as to assist in determining the wants and desires of the Community. 

  6. Undertake a periodic review of the department budget for the purpose of understanding program and facility development.


Recruitment | Fundraising | Programming Ideas

Parks and Recreation Commission 2017


Second Wednesday of the Month @ 6:30pm Richton Park Community Center

For additional information or to become a member, please contact

Ashley Turner @ 708.753.8800 ext 149


  • James Anderson - Chairman

  • Debra Shakoor - Vice Chairman

  • Pamela Caddick

  •  Deborah Galloway

  • MarcyJo Chachakis

  • Anthony Gardner