Home Rule | Richton Park

Home Rule Thank You

We want to give a huge thanks to EVERYONE that not only voted Tuesday, but also those who have been interested, involved, engaged, and passionate about their community. With results in, it is official. The majority of residents have elected/granted us Home Rule authority, which means you will see Richton Park, Your Home, change for the better - Better Economic Development, Better Infrastructure, Better Quality of Life for the community. Thank You for trusting us. A lot of work went and goes into not only making sure that you know exactly what our intent is, but what opportunities and progress lay ahead for the Village.

We are all in this together, and we will not let you down. Thank You. Now Let's Get to Work!

What is Home Rule?

Home Rule is a designation granted by voters that gives a community the ability to establish and implement policies to address significant local needs and concerns. Without Home Rule status, Illinois communities are bound by regulations from the State of Illinois and Cook County.

Why Does the Village Want Home Rule?

Home Rule provides the Village access to additional tools and the flexibility to address many quality of life and nuisance issues that may arise, reducing reliance on your property taxes. One of the primary benefits of Home Rule authority is the ability to create additional funding for roads, sidewalks, water systems, and other infrastructure projects through economic development and fiscal policies. Home Rule also allows the Village to both increase police authority, and improve Village beautification. 

In contrast, a Non-Home Rule municipality may only exercise powers for which express authority is provided by state law. This means that non-home rule communities are dependent on obtaining grants of authority from the General Assembly and Governor.

No Place Like OUR Home. RP HomeRule
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Your Tax Bill Explained
Facts to Know

The Village Board has specifically passed these Resolutions on behalf of the residents if Home Rule is approved by voters among the March 19th General Primary Election. Considering residents' quality of life, along with making sure the Village is putting its best foot forward, is the Board's top priority.