Snow Removal
Snow Removal Policies

There is no parking on any Village street when snowfall accumulations exceed two inches. Signage is posted at all entrances/exits as well as various locations throughout a subdivision. Residents are required to move their vehicle from the Village streets until the snow has been plowed. "No person shall throw, blow or shovel ice or snow onto the property of another person or onto a sidewalk, into a street or highway or in any other place which would create a hazard to vehicular traffic or a danger to pedestrians or homeowners" (Ord. 601). Below please find some basic rules for snow removal.
- The first pass a Village snowplow makes (depending on the snowstorm) is to provide lanes of travel. Subsequent passes push snow off the street from curb to curb. This provides access to mailboxes, ensures that the pavement doesn't become too narrow from subsequent snowstorms, and allows melting snow to drain.
- Consider postponing removing snow from the end of your driveway until snow plows have made their final pass along the curbs.
- If you shovel a small area of your parkway along the curb line opposite the direction of traffic for approximately six to eight feet, less snow will be deposited at the end of your driveway when the plows widen the street from curb to curb.
- Do not shovel snow into or across the streets. It can cause the formation of ice patches and frozen blocks of ice on the streets, making them dangerous in subsequent snowstorms.
- Help the fire department by shoveling the snow away from fire hydrants.
- Please shovel the snow from sidewalks abutting your property. School children and seniors alike are depending on you.
- Make sure snow is not covering your address numbers. Police and Fire vehicles need to be able to read your numbers from the street, for emergency response.
- Parking is not permitted at any time on residential streets when snow accumulation is over two inches.
- Parking isn't allowed until Plowing operations have been completed.