Tomorrow (Thursday) Morning's Commute will be treacherous with steady, freezing rain and super heavy winds, followed by 2-4 inches of snow. Storm is scheduled to last until 9pm.
WHAT: Freezing Rain, Heavy Winds, 2-4 Inches of Snow
WHEN: Thursday (2/17), 3am until Noon Friday (2/18)
IMPACTS: Conditions will be extremely challenging, with icy roads from freezing rain, and heavy winds causing major drifting. potentially going from just flurries to near white out conditions in heavy snow over just a few mile stretch.
ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Please DO NOT PARK on Village streets. In order for our vehicles to properly plow the community during snow events, there is NO PARKING WHEN SNOW REMOVAL CONDITIONS EXIST, after 2-4 inches.
This Public Service Announcement is issued to gain your cooperation and aid our Public Works Dept's efforts for efficiency.